Midnight Ramblers - My First Best Seller!

In a world dominated by mass production and technology its great to know that there's still an inherent longing for the charm and authenticity of handcrafted treasures.  In appreciation of this interest, I thought it was about time I applauded the popularity of one of my best-selling pieces.  This piece has captured the hearts of followers, enthusiasts and collectors alike. Its also one of the first automata designs I ever created.

‘Midnight Ramblers’ is an homage to all those strollers that I see walking their dogs late into the evening around the lanes of Cornwall.  An homage to dog lovers! It’s a pass time that is repeated throughout the world by so many different people. I’m sure this explains some of the popularity of this design.  I also like to think that my attention to detail and the combination of patinated copper, brass and reclaimed hardwood help to make this piece a winner.  I hope the aesthetics transport you to a whimsical realm of companionship, imagination and craftsmanship.

The process begins with sketches on paper. I have a library of paper templates on hand in my workshop. The first picture in the gallery below shows my library of common templates. I've drawn and cut each and every one! Labels were hastily written in pencil so I’ll run through the top row just to give you the gist:

  • People (incl. kite flyer)

  • Dogs and 1 goat

  • Fox and Owl

  • Hares

  • Butterflies and Dragonfly

I have to say that I sometimes get a warm feeling when I realise that this is what I keep in my filing system!

You will notice that I’m amassing a plethora of different breeds of dog in my store. This has been at the request of customers who have ordered bespoke pieces to include their own dog. I love that I’m able to provide this service. There’s nothing like owning your own piece of art which includes your own family pet. Goes without saying that I work with other animals too (hence the goat in the my list!).

The next set of images show some of the processes involved in making ‘Midnight Ramblers’. The paper templates are used as a guide to cut sheet copper which then has tiny tubes of brass soldered in place to hold the stem of the automata mechanism. The copper gets pretty filthy during the soldering process so needs to be cleaned before patination. After cleaning it goes a dull salmony pink colour. The third picture shows this off well as the base of the piece with the tree in the background has not been cleaned, whilst the dog and walker have been. You can clearly see the difference in the surfaces of the copper.

The second image lays out the two figures with all the component parts that go in to making the mechanism, as well as a brass label, and a recycled tin scarf and collar. They all come together once the base has been patinated. In this case the characters are in a sylvan setting with a leafy tree, flying bird and some daffodils in the foreground. The beauty of these pieces is that small changes can provide endless variety depending on the wishes of the customer.

To see more details or to order Midnight Ramblers click here.

Just a close up on my copper daffodils finished with a golden leaf…